I must not allow this redbud tree seedling to continue to grow and take over this flower bed. I will cut it out today.I promise.Ugh. Such an ugly picture. I am only showing it here to …
This week, Dee Nash and I published our 100th Gardenangelists podcast episode.That's a nice milestone, don't you think?Through those 100 episodes, we've learned quite a bit and hopefully shared …
Enjoy your joy
I ran across a quote today..."Comparison is the death of joy." The quote is attributed to Mark Twain who died in 1910 so let's assume he wrote that sometime in the late 1800s. That means …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – September 2020
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for September 2020.Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana we stopped getting rain around mid-August and the garden is dry as dust. And …
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Orange is a Color
I am not going to write it.I am not going to write "Orange you glad you garden?"Nope. Not here. I'm just going to show pumpkins and orange zinnias and orange marigolds. My pumpkin isn't …
Colchicums Report On Time
I love being on time, which means being just a few minutes early. I do not like the opposite of being on time, which is being late.So I am happy to see the colchicums are right on time, maybe a …