Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for December 2020. Here in my USDA Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, I went out to the garden expecting to find flower buds on the hellebores, and I was not disappointed. Indeed there are flower buds on several of the Helleborus niger, the Christmas Rose.
Weather permitting and cooperating, I think they will actually be in bloom on Christmas Day.
What I did not expect to find was a snowdrop, Galanthus sp., in bloom.

Yes, I am aware of fall-blooming snowdrops but around here, they have always bloomed sometime after February 1st, often as late as March.
Was this a fluke? Or did I have other snowdrops jumping the gun?
I had one other snowdrop.

I am pleased to see these and am tempted to snip them and bring them inside to enjoy in a tiny vase.
I do have some flowers inside, however, in the sunroom, like this cyclamen.

I purchased this little cyclamen last spring at a local greenhouse. I potted it up in mid-summer and then let it do its thing. Right after I finish this post, I’m going to move it so it is right beside me as I sit on the couch reading your bloom day posts.
And that’s it for my bloom day post in mid-December.
What’s blooming in your garden? Why don’t you join in for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and show us, whether it is one flower or many flowers?
It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about the flowers blooming in your garden on or around the 15th of the month, then come here and leave a comment about what you have and a link in the Mr. Linky widget.
(One more thing before you go. Notice anything different here? You did? I thought you might. I’ve moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress! Well, I didn’t personally move it. I had help. But all 2,891 posts on Blogger dating back to 2004 now live here on my author website. Comments also came over with the posts, as did previous bloom day link lists.
Now the url MayDreamsGardens dot com points here instead of the blogger blog so old links work too.
I’m still getting used to the WordPress way of doing blog posts, so please forgive me for anything that doesn’t look quite right.
Also, because I seem to be getting a lot of spammy comments, I have to moderate your comments. I’ll watch for them and approve them throughout the day and beyond. Thank you for your patience!)
Remember… We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
I noticed the difference right off! I LOVE Mr. Linky! He’s so easy to use, and shows by changing color what I’ve visited or not. I have tried a few times to get a WordPress going, but find it SO complicated.
I also have an early bloomer this year – my early Lenten Rose. Just in time for possibly a major snowstorm tomorrow, and it’s supposed to get into the teens tonight. I haven’t heard of fall blooming snowdrops. This year, I suppose anything is possible. I like the look of your new blog – I investigated it a little yesterday.
Combining your sites was a fabulous idea and the person who helped did a great job! Everything looks so well organized and its wonderful that you were able to transfer all your posts! I have both Blogger and WordPress sites and find WordPress to have some good features. It’s nice to see your Hellebores and Snowdrops (making an early appearance!). The Hellebores are budding in my garden, and there’s a major snowstorm on the way for tomorrow! Happy Bloom Day!
Beautiful Cyclamen ! Your new website layout is beautiful. We are entering in to the winter and right know little chilly weather can be observed in our region. I have started link up party related to gardening anyone interested to share their post can share it here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/12/winter-chills.html
You are lucky to have these lovely flowers bloming in the garden now! I expect them in spring-time.
Those snowdrops are sweet! That’s another thing I can’t grow in my climate but there’s plenty that does and winter here is a season in name only. I’m impressed by your smooth transition from Blogger to WordPress. Well done!
Congrats on the “new” blog, it looks great—although I must admit I miss the photos.
Photos? Don’t you see the photos, Danger Garden? I did include pictures!
Good afternoon Carol. That snowdrop makes me laugh. Wrong time of year. Come check out my snow! Second day this week for snow in Oklahoma of all places, and it’s still coming down. Happy Bloom Day and thanks for hosting.~~Dee
I am “cheating” this month as I am swamped with deadlines, a snowstorm is at our doorsteps here in the Washington. DC, region, and not much is going on in my garden in any case right now. So I posted a link to my latest plant profile on River Birch trees. Bark is the new bloom day?
Hi Carol, I’m a long time WordPress user. Welcome aboard. Your snowdrops are just slightly ahead of ours. — jw
Congratulations on the migration to WordPress!
You are braver than me, migrating to WordPress. I’ll admit the new Blogger interface is very unsatisfactory, but I’m an old flower that learns new tricks reluctantly, so I will probably stick with Blogger for now. I have multiple flowers that are out of season, but I’m amazed at your Galanthus and can’t wait for ours.
I had an inch of snow today but it is all gone now. No blooms this 15th. I think it funny that you have galanthus blooming already. I will get out tomorrow to see if mine are even up. No buds on my hellebores either. Congrats on your big move. I hope it all works out alright.
Carol, I like the look of your new site. Amazing to see flowers in bloom outdoors in your garden when mine is buried under snow. Thank goodness for flowering houseplants — especially important for sanity this year! The color of your cyclamen is very festive.