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I have three newsletters you might find of interest in if you like to read about gardeners, gardening, gardening lives, gardening tidbits, etc. .
They are….
Lost Ladies of Garden Writing
I publish a newsletter featuring Lost Ladies of Garden Writing every two weeks, on Wednesdays. These are stories of women authors of gardening books in the 19th and 20th centuries who have been forgotten. Use this form to subscribe to it. (Read it first? Lost Ladies of Garden Writing)
In the Garden with Carol
I publish a weekly newsletter on Sunday evenings about what’s going on in my garden through the week, with extra tidbits thrown in about life outside the garden. Use this form to subscribe to it. (Read it first? In the Garden With Carol)
Blog Post Updates
I periodically post updates to my blog and the articles could be about anything related to gardening. There will always be a post about Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day on the 15th of each month, but beyond that. It all depends on what strikes my fancy or if the garden fairies take a notion. Enter your email address below, click that little box and hit subscribe to get those updates in your email inbox. (Read some blog posts first? May Dreams Gardens)
Why not try all three newsletters? There’s always an unsubscribe option on every newsletter, so it’s easy to just slip away if you’d like. No hard feelings!