I had no idea birds would nibble at the celosia until earlier in the day when I saw a rustling outside on the patio while I was inside. At first I thought it was hummingbirds sipping nectar from …
Celosia, Again
As the saying goes, "I was this many years old' when I discovered how beautiful celosia can be. I know. I know. I know. I've already posted several times about this Celosia 'Flamma Orange'. …
Garden Fairies Provide a Mid-Summer Report
Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies. Have you missed us? Our last past was way back in early June. We would post more often but for some reason Carol has decided to write posts …
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The First Big Tomato
Every gardener knows the first big tomato of the season is special. It usually tastes better than any tomato you've eaten since you picked the last tomato the year before, because nothing beats a …
Petunias… From Seed
I am "this close" to ordering another metal rack from Costco to set up in my sunroom, to double my seed growing space. Why, you ask? Well, just look at these petunias that I started from seeds …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – July 2023
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for July 2023. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, it's been quite the summer so far. We need some rain, though we've gotten some …
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