Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies and we are going to report on Carol’s potato harvest.
Now, we know you are looking at the picture and thinking—rightly so—that those are begonias and violas, what in the world do those have to do with potatoes?
Nothing, except Seedy and Soddy are so proud of how they added those violas back to that hanging basket after Carol put begonias in it after she pulled out some violas earlier this past late spring.
And she didn’t change the soil between planting the two flowers so it was easy for Seedy and Soddy to get some viola seeds to grow because the other thing Carol didn’t do was deadhead the violas.
She let them go to seed.
Honestly, with Carol’s lazy gardening methods, we garden fairies don’t have to do much to make things like viola seedlings happen around here.
But we are glad to double-triple make sure a few viola seedlings pop up here and there and over yonder because we like them, and Carol likes them too.
Now about that potato harvest.
Well, to match the words to the harvest, we’ll have very little to say because that potato harvest was “very little.”
It was almost laughable how few potatoes there were.
But we are garden fairies. We don’t dwell on stuff that like puny potato pickings, though technically it is puny potato diggings, but that doesn’t alliterate the way “pickings” does.
We are garden fairies. Look at us using words like “alliterate.”
My goodness, but we are off topic again, but we are garden fairies, and there were so few potatoes that they really aren’t worthy of a blog post.
Hence the violas seedlings and fancy words like “alliterate.”
Submitted by:
Viola GreenPea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and Potato Harvest Recorder at May Dreams Gardens
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