I bought “The Flower Garden” by Ida D. Bennett on impulse from a bookseller who had set up shop for the weekend at the local mall. It was one of three old gardening books I bought that day, nearly …
Ida D. Bennett: The Vegetable Garden – Scared or Seduced
I'm still thinking about books by Ida D. Bennett. In addition to The Flower Garden (1903, 1910), she also wrote a book called The Vegetable Garden (1909). Even though I don't own this particular …
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A Letter from My Therapist, Dr. Hortfreud
Dear Carol, How is your winter going so far? I hope you had a restful holiday and that in between working and whatever else it is you do to wile away the hours of winter, you are finding some time to …
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They’re Here
They’re here. The squirrels. They’re here. I saw them a few weeks ago scampering across the edge of the roof and decided to ignore them. I choose not to recall my brother’s stories of squirrels …
Odds and Ends About Tools From Ida D. Bennett
I'm still plowing through the pages of The Flower Garden: A Manual for the Amateur Gardener by Ida D. Bennett (1910) and like a gardener who has stumbled across something while hoeing and stops to see …
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More 100 Year Old Advice from Ida D. Bennett
I've been continuing to read bits and pieces of The Flower Garden by Ida D. Bennett, published in 1910. After I posted Bennett's seed buying advice, the genealogy detective gardener, Annie in Austin, …
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