New word — cryoseism!
Apparently, here in Indianapolis we may have experienced a cryoseism, also known as an ice quake, in the early morning hours of Thursday, February 10th. I seemed to have slept right through it and missed it, but it’s still interesting to know that it might have happened.
The information I read on cryoseisms makes me think that the earth experienced an involuntary shiver, accompanied by a booming noise so people would realize it happened.
Another new word — cryofundo!
I just made this word up by combing cryo, which means ice, with the Latin word for “melt” – fundo. We will be experiencing a lot of cryofundo beginning this weekend and going on in to next week as temperatures go well above freezing for several days in a row. As the ice melts, we’ll get to see what damage it really caused in our gardens.
This ice melt is just in time because I went to a program on perennials yesterday at the Indianapolis Art Museum, and I’m very eager now for winter to be over and spring to begin.
Not to mention all this cold weather is affecting my mind and causing me to think of sentences likes this one describing the program:
Images of Echninacea of every color and Agastache that might be hardy here made our gardening hearts melt, while pictures of Heuchera and Helleborus made our knees quake at the thought of planting them in our gardens.
I have just written the worst sentence in the history of garden blogging. Is anyone having a contest?
It really was an excellent program and I’ll post more about it in the days to come. For now, just know that if you garden anywhere near Indianapolis and you missed it, you are a dumb bunny. Oops, that’s just winter talking. I didn’t mean to imply that anyone who missed it was not a very smart rabbit or anything like that. But when you hear about the program and the speakers and you weren’t there, you’ll be more disappointed than a gardener who opens a packet of seeds and finds it is empty.
Which may be the second worst sentence in the history of garden blogging.
Really, we should have a contest for the worst sentence on a garden blog. I’m on a roll, like a tumbleweed tumbling aimlessly about a garden flattened by the ice and snow, with nary a shrub or tree to stop it.
Which may be the third worst sentence…
Some people may quit while they are ahead, others quit so the hole doesn’t get any deeper.
Thank you for making me literally laugh out loud at the end of a long week! I have long believed writers who are snowed in part of the year are more productive since they are stuck inside. I still think that is true…and I now believe it makes those writers more creative as they slowly loose their grip on reality!
I see you're channelling your inner McGonagall. I don't think I could possibly compete.
THanks for helping me to start my day with a smile and a laugh.
Don't fall in that hole you just dug…. it's pretty big!
Don't fall head first into that hole…you are lucky to have so many days coming of thaw…we will not for a while yet…I love language and quaint language so I don't think your sentences were that bad at all…quaint and funny!!
Ha, ha, ha, Carol–I think winter has frosted your brain a little…I know it has mine:) I've never heard of a cryoseism before, but I'm sure ready for a little cryofundo. I about jumped for joy when I saw the weather forecast last night for days in the 50's later this week. I'm about as tired of winter as you can get.
Since my brain is rather frozen these days, I don't remember if I've already mentioned here that I got a taste of your ice storm last week. When I returned to Indy on Sunday, my car, which had been parked there all week, was covered in ice. It took me an hour to chip away at the windshield so I could leave!
I think Carol has cryomania … she said herself the cold weather is affecting her mind.
It was a dark and stormy night; the icicles grew longer as the day grew shorter (this being an unusual thing in Texas but not in Indianapolis, apparently), while candles burned in windows beckoning the garden with hope for the upcoming spring season, knowing all the while that Coneflowers love the heat and cannot even begin to show their heads while the ground is still white from heavenly-tossed snowflakes.
Cryomania! I think I have that, too!
☼ I so need that ☺
Interesting and amusing. I need to google cryoseism now.
This post made me laugh out loud. The made up word, the "worst" sentences, etc. Thanks so much for the smile!