I recently purchased a new-to-me book on entomology, "Our Insect Friends and Foes" by William Atherton DuPuy (The John C. Winston Company, 1925). It is part of a Romance of Science series of …
Book Review: Grow the Good Life
Oh, the angst! I put down the book and looked out the window. Still winter! I checked the calendar. Still winter! I picked up the book again and continued reading. I put it down again and gazed …
Crocuses Bring Questions
The garden is beginning to stir a bit after several days of well above average temperatures. Here and there, the tips of leaves are beginning to break through the surface. The ground is squishy, …
Troy-Bilt Snow Thrower Review Part II – Throwing Snow
After every snowfall this winter, friends and co-workers have asked me, "Did you use your new snow thrower? My answer was always the same, "No, not yet because...". Sometimes it was dark when I got …
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Dear Hortense: Does A Watched Bud Ever Bloom?
Dear Hortense Hoelove, Does a watched Witch-Hazel ever bloom? Signed, Hazel Watching in Indiana Dear Hazel, If you are referring to the Vernal or Ozark Witch-Hazel, Hamamelis vernalis, I have …
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A Look Over My Shoulder As I Order Seeds
Got my seeds ordered. Ordered them all this evening, from five different seed companies. My first order was confirmed with an email at 9:44 pm EST. I'd guess I started ordering at 9:15 pm or so. …
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