Swipe... that's me dusting this blog off and preparing to write a post, long over-due! My humble apologies for leaving this blog without new content for the last ten days. I know I have some …
SGAFO – Qualifications for the inner circle
Dear Inner Circle of SGAFO, On this occasion of my tenth anniversary as a member of the Society of Gardeners Aged Fifty and Over, I humbly submit my qualifications to be admitted to the Inner …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – January 2019
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for January 2019. Blooms outside? Well, not where I can see them because we got our first major snowstorm of the winter season over the weekend and the …
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Winter Has Arrived And It is Making Me Shovel the Driveway
A few weeks ago, well actually last weekend when it was warm enough that I went out and cut down my grapevines, I had this fleeting idea that perhaps we were going to escape actual "winter", meaning, …
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The Lone Snowdrop
I looked out the window a few days ago and surveyed the back garden. Within seconds, I saw the gleaming white of a lone snowdrop in bloom. Lovely readers, we simply do not have snowdrops blooming …
Shadow of a Reindeer
Violet Greenpea Maydreams was the first to see the shadow of the reindeer on the back fence by the vegetable garden. Quivering with excitement, she rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times to make …