The question of the day on Easter was what to do with all those bags of jelly beans I bought when they first hit the shelves way back before we were even talking about pandemics and self-isolating and …
Garden Fairies Send a Message
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are taking this time during what is one of our busiest seasons in the garden to send a message to everyone. First, before we send our message, we …
Making a Garden, and Writing About It
I've been thinking these past few days about citizens' diaries and especially those written before and during World War II. I was reminded about them after reading Of Mantelpieces and Pansies, an …
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Gold, in branches!
Where to begin? Let's start at the beginning so you can see how this all came about. I decided to cut back my Cotinus, commonly known as smokebush. I have two—'Golden Spirit' and 'Purple …
My New Rain Gauge and CoCoRaHS
At one of the last events I attended before the self-isolation orders came out, I found out about CoCoRaHS, the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network. "Volunteers working together to …
What’s at the End of Your Street?
What's at the end of your street? Another street? A house? A dead-end? Here at May Dreams Gardens, the end of my street is a dead-end, and just beyond that dead-end... well... Since we can't …