Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and it took us almost all day to alert Carol that it is International Fairy Day, today, June 24. She can be so, what is the word? Let us just say that …
Free Plants!
I apologize for the click-bait title for this blog post. What I meant the title to be was "Self-sowers!" Self-sowers in my garden are mostly annuals—though there are plenty of self-sowing …
Protocol for Rain!
Yes, it is raining, so what better time to write a guide for how to proceed with gardening when there is rain in the forecast. I've tried to cover a variety of scenarios. Scenario 1: There is …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – June 2024
Welcome to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day for June 2024. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, I am enjoying all kinds of flowers while waiting for our first true heat wave, due …
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Matching Flowers
If the assignment was to take an angelonia, in this case 'Alonia Big Cherry' and find a petunia that perfectly matched it, I totally aced it. In fact, if I may say so myself, I deserve extra credit …
PawPaws and Fireflies
I noticed the first fireflies yesterday evening. They could very well have emerged before yesterday, but that's when I thought to look for them.. I get lots of fireflies... or if you prefer, …