This is my best insect photo ever, taken about 10 years ago in my own backyard.What are you seeing there, you ask? What you are seeing is a cicada killing wasp actually stinging a cicada, …
The Best Zinnias I’ve Ever Grown
I rescued the zinnias from the evil clutches of the weeds and for now, peace reigns in the garden.And it is lovely.Honestly, these are the best zinnias I've ever grown. There are zinnias in all …
Leaving Social Media
Why? Why would someone stop using social media? What would cause them to walk away from 7,000 plus followers on Twitter, 1,000 plus followers on Instagram, 2,000 plus followers on Facebook, and …
Garden Fairies See and Tell
Garden fairies here!How do you like what Florene and Flora did to these zinnias? They are quite proud of how they made the colors fade on the petals. We would love to tell people what …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – August 2020
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for August 2020.Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, I wasn't quite sure where to begin! I have a lot more flowers than I …
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“I don’t know what to blog about”
"I don't know what to blog about" is a familiar lament amongst garden bloggers. I hope that does not apply to the 15th of every month when I host Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day here on my blog. …