I worked in my vegetable garden all evening after work weeding each bed, mostly by hand. I did use a couple of tools, including the Half Moon Hoe, a three tined hand rake, and a long-handled three …
I dead headed the first round of white daisies this evening, and took note that as the first flowers of spring start to fade, the colors of the garden are migrating from purples, violets, pinks and …
I Need Anti Pesto
I thought the weekend was going to end up with the only news being that I got a new double day lily for $5 and I was happy with that, considering the weather. (I’ve pictured it above. It is 'Siloam …
Sprawling with Abandon
In appreciation for not being cut back too severely even though they were sprawling all through the perennial garden last year, the perennial sweet peas (Lathyrus latifolius) are beginning to bloom. …
I came home late from work and started mowing my lawn at 8:00 PM. Since we now observe daylight savings time, I had plenty of daylight to get the job done. However, I was hustling because I was …
An Evening in The Garden
A gentle breeze, a nearly perfect temperature. I’ve been sitting on my patio long enough that the birds pay no attention to me and go about their business. The sun is casting long shadows across the …