A friend at work asked me to help her find out what variety of Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) this might be. So, I'm putting out this *all points bulletin* to see if anyone knows.Because who knows, …
Gleanings from Old Gardening Books
I explored Google Books this evening, an evening that is rainy, damp and cool and more like the end of September than the eve of September. Brrrrr… I am wearing long sleeves!A few days ago, Google …
No Plan Garden
I had no plan for this garden by the side of my house. Some of you will say “and it looks like it”. Right now, it is dominated by Obedience Plant, Physostegia virginiana, which as you can see, I don’t …
Gardening Goes On and On
“I could go on and on. But that is just what gardening is, going on and on. My philistine of a husband often told with amusement how a cousin when asked when he expected to finish his garden replied …
Year of the Tomato, Not the Bean?
Did anyone have a good green bean harvest this summer? I read a lot of good posts about tomatoes, but don’t recall anyone really raving about green beans and having a big harvest of them. So, maybe it …
Not Quite Finished Planting
I think nearly every year there is one thing I don't quite finish planting. This year, it was this flat of coleus. I sowed the seed in early April and planned to use them in various containers. Then …