I harvested this basketful of peppers this morning but will refrain from saying “Carol picked a peck of peppers” or anything along those lines. I will cut most of these up and freeze them for use in …
Apple Harvest
I ate my entire apple harvest this weekend.On Saturday, I checked the two apples remaining on my little tree, and when I gently lifted one up to see if it was ready to harvest, it came off in my hand. …
Good Day in the Garden
Come sit with me on the patio, have an iced green tea and I’ll tell you about my good day in the garden.First, I started out on the back patio. I weeded out a bunch of prostrate spurge, sedum and a …
Hoosier Gardeners?
I read Annie in Austin's latest blog entry and she lists about 9 different web sites/blogs that are for, about or written by Austin, Texas gardeners. I would have a hard time coming up with even half …
Garden Clean Up – I Need a New Toy, I Mean Tool
I started some garden clean up this morning. This is a before picture. Over the last few weeks, as summer wound down, I have not been as active in the garden, so some of the weeds took advantage of …
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More on Name Changes
For more information on botanical name changes, check out this article from Kew Gardens. You have to read an article that includes a sentence like: "There are even whisperings of threats to lump …