We've had a couple of blogger/gardeners post about My Favorite Plant, the December selection of the Garden Bloggers Book Club. I'll be publishing a round up of all the posts on December 29th.Knowing …
Rain or Snow?
When we have warm rainy days like today during the winter, people go around saying "if it was colder outside and this was snow, we'd really have a mess on our hands". I checked a few web sites and it …
A Time to Rest!
When the temperature outside falls to single digits, as it did last week, I disconnect from any outdoor gardening because it is cold out there, and even with the warmest of clothing and good gloves, …
Three Bells for My Garden
When I posted the other day about the special Christmas bell that my youngest sister stole from the rest of us, oops, I mean took one Christmas at my mother’s invitation (she’s kind of sensitive about …
Green Thumb Sunday – Red and Pink
Poinsettias at the White River Gardens, Indianapolis. No painted plants there, thank goodness!Green Thumb SundayJoin …
Even I’m Decorated for Christmas
My new profile picture for the Christmas season... or it will be if I can get Beta Blogger to accept it! …