I woke up yesterday to find that several people had already posted about their April 15th blooms for the 3rd monthly Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day and new posts were being added all day long and even …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – April 2007
Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day from May Dreams Gardens! Here’s what's blooming today in my gardens.Really in Bloom:Tulips (lots of tulips!)Pansies and violasGrape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum)Star …
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Hoosier Bloggers and Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day Reminder
Have you noticed that we have a few more Hoosier Garden Bloggers this spring? (You do know what a Hoosier is, don't you...someone who comes from or lives in Indiana. Not to be confused with a …
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I Got the Vase!
Sometimes you have to give up something to get something. And I had to give up quite a lot so I could get the one family heirloom I really wanted, this purple vase.Yes, I have the purple vase. The …
Wring, Sprinter, or Hate-pril?
Just a few days ago, I was lamenting that if my tulips choose to come back after the first year, it was usually as lone tulips, even though I planted them in groups. Then I wrote about how thrilled I …
Seeds and Blogging
How are everyone's seeds sprouting? We had quite a time this past winter visiting with one another, online, learning that we are not alone in our obsession with seeds, didn't we? And now I assume that …