The all-knowing, all-seeing, all-spying internet algorithms pointed me toward a video last week that explained a little about the concept of wabi-sabi. So why not relate it to gardening? The …
Lost Ladies of Garden Writing: Viola Brainerd Baird
I spent some time a while back searching various bookseller sites on the internet to find just about every book ever published about violets, pansies, and violas. I think I have most of them now, …
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What My Patio Taught Me About Gardening
Is my patio teaching me about gardening or is the hosta growing in the patio teaching me something about plants? And just what did I learn from their teachings? I learned that a hosta can grow …
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Time Those Gardening Tasks
I've been putting off edging flower borders in the back garden because I didn't think I had the time. And when I say I've been putting it off, I mean I didn't do it last year and might not have done …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – June 2023
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for June 2023. Here in my USDA hardiness zone 6a garden in central Indiana we are slowly getting into the swing of summer. Many spring blooms have faded but …
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The Rewards of Lazy Gardening
Earlier in the spring, I planted these violas in a set of six containers that fit in a circle around the pole of the table umbrella. I like how it looks! And no, this is not something a lazy …