I don't know where the saying "knee high by the fourth of July" came from in regards to corn, but I'd be worried if we arrived at this point of summer and my corn was still just knee high.But no …
Where Are They?
There are a few things missing from my garden this season, including…Phlox paniculata ‘Crème de Menthe’. At one time, this was one of my favorite perennials, but it disappeared completely this year. …
My First Tomato That Doesn’t Count And Other Tomato Growing Questions Answered
Many novice gardeners are growing the Queen of the Vegetable Garden, tomatoes, for the first time this season, and may have some questions about everything from hornworms to entering the May Dreams …
The Night Bloomer Blooms!
When the night bloomer blooms, all other activity for the evening comes to a halt or at least slows down enough so that I can run to the sunroom every ten minutes or so to take another picture.Excuse …
Letters to Gardening Friends, June 28, 2009
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and gardening friends everywhere,Greetings from my back patio where I’m enjoying a beautiful evening listening to birds chirping in the trees and watching the antics of a couple …
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Contratulations, Lorraine Sunshine
Congratulations, Heliopsis helianthoides 'Lorraine Sunshine', you are the flower of the day, of the week, of the side border where you live.You shine above all others right now, at three feet tall and …