Once upon a garden, there was a gardener who loved all kinds of plants, or most kinds of plants. She bought plants that she liked and plants that she loved. She let plants follow her home and even …
The Clothed Ladies of Spring
We often joke about Lycoris squamigera, those late summer flowering members of the Amaryllis family, Amaryllidaceae, because when they bloom, the leaves are long gone. Some people refer to these …
Dear Friends and Gardeners: April 5, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, While I wait for the lawn to dry out so I can mow it, I thought I’d dash off this quick letter to get you caught up on my past week in the …
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Hopeful Times
I am brazenly leaving the vegetable garden unprotected as the peas, spinach, and lettuce are all sprouting. Some would look out there and see those tell-tale signs of "disturbances" in the …
Random Thoughts While Being Focused and Busy
A few random thoughts on a day when I should be very focused and busy. Focused. Busy. The bleeding heart, Dicentra spectabilis, is starting to bloom. Seems early to me, but it might not …
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Tomato Seedling Progress Report: Thank You!
Many thanks to all who read and enjoyed yesterday's post on April Fool's Day about the progress of my tomato seedlings. Some of you got it right away, some of you wanted it to be true but knew it …
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