I went on a search for all the verses of “The Diehards”, a poem by Ruth Pitter published in 1941 in a book of her poems called “The Rude Potato”. I had read little snippets taken from the poem, which …
Dear Friends and Gardeners July 5, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, Don’t you just hate when people say “hot enough for you”? Well, is it hot enough for you where you are? It has turned hot here, with high …
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Garden Design Update: Pruning Up
The garden designer and her partner, the hort-abler, returned one evening late this past week to survey the back yard and discuss “what next” in my garden design process. “What next” included a …
Bluebirds and Other Visitors In My Garden
It’s been a good week in the garden, graced, even momentarily, by a pair of bluebirds. I don’t know much about birds, but I believe that there are more birds in my garden now that I’m working with a …
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The Gardening Universe Provides Me With A Fork Hoe!
The gardening universe seems to always provide me with just the right hoe for whatever it is I’m going to do in my garden next. And what I was going to do, and did, in my garden next, yesterday …
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Hairy Alumroot
I have several "Hairy Alumroot" plants in my garden. But I like to call them "Heuchera" as in "Hew-ker-ah" because Hairy Alumroot sounds like, well, who names a plant after its root characteristics …