Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere,
It’s been a busy week. Didn’t have much time to work in the garden. The weeds noticed and have grown faster than rabbits breed. But the garden is going well. Picked my first ears of sweet corn and finally got some cucumbers from my late sown hill of them. Peppers are coming on strong as are tomatoes, finally. No need to worry this summer that it will be hot enough for okra. Send recipes.
Carpe hortus,
Nice harvest!
A great-looking bounty of vegetables, Carol. My harvest looked a little different yesterday morning–a handful of green beans and a bagful of ginormous cucumbers that seemed to spring up overnight:)
How wonderful it looks, Carol! As for the okra, I let it dry on the plant until leathery then will use the pods to make crafts, wreaths I believe. 🙂
Hot here too. I feel your pain.~~Dee
What a bountiful basket! I would like to give okra a try next year! Wishing I tried it this year as it was 100 all last week!
Keep Cool,
The first sweet corn! Nothing tastes better than freshly picked sweet corn, cooked and eaten with a bit of butter and salt. I am a bit envious…. Enjoy your meal!
Wonderful harvest so far! Okra is easy to grow and easy to cook. I love it best pickled, just like dill pickles. Put a few dried cayenne peppers in the jar to liven things up a bit.
Happy cooking!
Looks like a really nice harvest! It is really a great feeling to pick ones own cucumber and tomatos etc. 🙂 Have grown corn for the first time ever this year – but sofar nothing to harvest…
Best Regards,
Carol I envy your bounty, I'll catch up next year..
I bet they'll make wonderful sides for Lunch or dinner..There's Nothing like Home grown."
Hello Carol, Your basket of goodies is very impressive! Well done! Pam