Once upon a time, a garden fairy named Bud Greenleaf was out and about in the daylight, a time when garden fairies are normally hiding beneath shrubs and other low growing plants. His mama, Bloom …
Ten Ideas For Hobbies Other Than Gardening
My therapist suggested that I should think about some hobbies other than gardening to balance out my life. I gave it some consideration and then decided “why not”? It might be fun to do something …
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Wintertime Ruminations: Gardeners and Instructions
In the beginning, many people diligently read the instructions and carefully follow them as they sow and plant. They try to get the spacing just right, the depth just so, where conditions will be …
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Dear Christmas Cottontail…
Dear Christmas Cottontail, I hope that it is okay that I am writing directly to you instead of Santa Claus, but I thought since you and I are both gardeners you would understand my wants and needs …
When A Gardener Goes To A Basketball Game
When a gardener goes to a basketball and her team plays poorly and doesn’t seem all that interested in winning, her mind wanders and she begins to notice subliminal messages about gardening in the …
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Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – December 2010
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for December 2010. Winter has arrived here at May Dreams Gardens in USDA Hardiness Zone 5, bringing sub freezing temperatures and four or so inches of snow, …
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