Lure of the Vegetable Garden (New York Times, July 11, 1908) "The last word in vegetable gardening has surely been said by Miss Ida D. Bennett in her book, "The Vegetable Garden," (the McClure …
Seed Buying Advice
Have you ordered your seeds yet? Or are you still pondering upon a stack of seed catalogs, asking yourself questions like… How many milligrams are in an ounce, as you try to compare two packets of …
Guest Post: Garden Fairies On Ice
Garden fairies here! Woo hoo! Carol has gone outside to chop more ice off the driveway and she left the laptop on. Our turn! We can hardly wait to tell you about our newest endeavor -- …
Hortense Hoelove Answers Questions About Snow and Ice
Dear Hortense Hoelove, What do you think is going on in this picture? Simply, Snow White Dear Snow, Oh, that's an easy one. The snow is alive and those are its varicose veins. Actually, I'm …
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You Might Be A Gardening Geek: Ice Storm Edition
You might be a gardening geek in an ice storm if... You decide to venture out in the afternoon to get the mail and go out to the garage to select a hoe to use as a walking stick. However, once …
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In Other News… Winter Continues
Winter continues here at May Dreams Gardens. The good news is that my Christmas cactus, which bloomed several weeks ago, provided me with a few bonus flowers this week. It's funny, but I don't …