Dear Carol, I knew I would get a letter from you once you found the green bandana hanging from your locust tree. It didn’t take you long to write either! First, let me say that news of your …
Clover and Bees for the Heatlh of the Garden
Is your garden healthy? Stand in a patch of clover in your garden and if you don't see a bee within a few seconds, something might be wrong. Bees and clover go together like peas and carrots, like …
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Predicting the Weather
What gardener wouldn't want to get a more accurate forecast of the weather, to be able to predict well in advance if they were going to get rain or should plan on watering? After all, no gardener …
"Hortombobulated" If you know that the meaning of the word discombobulated is "to be thrown into confusion" and you are a gardener, you can readily imply that the meaning of the word …
A Letter To Hortense
Dear Hortense, It’s been so long since I’ve read any garden advice from you that I thought I’d write to tell you about my garden and try to entice you to visit and answer just a few questions. Oh, …
The Green Bandana Garden Club
I didn't get up as early as I'd hoped to, no doubt because the morning was overcast with no streaming sun coming through the east window to wake me up and no alarm clock set on a day off to force me …