I now have a copy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin No. 1677. Yes, that one. No. 1-6-7-7. "Planting and Care of Lawns". Published in 1931, updated in 1935. I now …
An honor from Horticulture: Best Gardening Blogs
Everyone here at May Dreams Gardens is quite excited to be included as one of Horticulture magazine's Best Gardening Blogs. Apparently, they asked Thorn Goblinfly, the chief scribe of the garden …
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Wildflower Wednesday: Garden Fairies Threaten
Please include more wildflowers and native plants in your garden. Chosen well, these plants, more so than many others, seem to survive, if not thrive, in a wider range of weather extremes. In my own …
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The Garden, You, and I and The Green Bandana Garden Club
"This book is for those who in treading the garden path have no thought of material gain; rather must they give, -- from the pocket as they may, -- from the brain much, -- and from the heart all, -- …
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You Might Be a Gardening Geek: Seattle Fling Edition
At Dragonfly Farms Nursery You might be a gardening geek who went to Seattle Fling if… Before you left home, you spent more time making notes on how to water and tend your garden in your absence …
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My New Hoe: The Rake n’ Hoe
Rake 'n Hoe from Kaizen Garden "You jest about what you suppose to be a triviality, in asking whether the hen came first from an egg or the egg from a hen, but the point should be regarded as one of …