Fall, and the insects line up on the flowers like actresses and actors at an open audition. They hover, waiting to be noticed, to be discovered. Who will be the big star, who will be the next …
Five Daily Habits that Lead to Happiness
At a recent gathering here at May Dreams Gardens, those who claim residence in this humble place came up with a list of daily habits that they thought would make people happy and gardeners even …
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The rush of time
I feel the rush of time moving through the garden. It rides the breeze that brings the cooler weather. It rattles the dry stalks of corn, still standing in the garden. It scurries by with the first …
When a gardener shops for furniture
When a gardener shops for furniture, her eye is drawn to the wood furniture with the carvings of leaf branches. She wonders what plant that might be and if it is botanically correct. After all, she …
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I was once a solitary gardener
I sat down last night to write out a blog post based on a presentation I gave as a participant in a panel discussion on garden blogging at the recent Garden Writers Association symposium in …
Seeing the world through garden-colored glasses
I see the world through garden-colored glasses. All around me I notice plants and flowers and I must have them around me as well. I rarely walk by a plant without an impulse to touch it. I see soil …
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