I've not seen my garden in the daylight since Monday. I hope it is okay. I was gone. It rained. When I got home, I went out in the dark and checked the rain gauge. There was water up to the five …
The Old Woman at the Door Visits Again
I was working about in the garden on Sunday when out of the corner of my eye, I saw her walking toward me. She was wearing her usual attire, this time it was jeans with a long-sleeved green t-shirt. …
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Shocking bloom appears at May Dreams Gardens
INDIANAPOLIS - A fothergilla was recently found to be blooming at May Dreams Gardens. This plant, Fothergill gardenii, generally blooms in early spring, in the April timeframe, and has …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – October 2011
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for October 2011. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 5b garden in central Indiana the first two weeks of October have been some of the best "summer" days we've had …
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One garden or many gardens?
Given a choice would you prefer to have one garden that was yours to tend for many years so that you could enjoy the trees and plants you planted and see how they mature and how the garden evolves …
In Defense of Procrastination: A Guest Post
Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies and so we never do anything when we are supposed to do it. We procrastinate. In fact, we are procrastinating right now and doing a mighty find job of …
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