A good path invites you into a garden for a closer look. At least that's my idea for this path which snakes through a larger garden bed. It allows you to get off the lawn and be closer to plants on …
Three Trees, Three Ways
The honeylocust tree started dropping its leaves one tiny leaflet at a time a few weeks ago. They gently fall to the ground without making a sound or a fuss. They are golden yellow, but I still see …
All in the Family
Short's goldenrod is in full bloom in my garden now. I wrote about it years ago, when I first got it, about how it is one of the rarest flowers in the world. Even the Nature Conservancy says so in …
Always Be On The Lookout
"Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder." ~ E. B. White. I went out early yesterday morning and found these colchicum blooms hiding beneath a giant 'Empress Wu' hosta next to a …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – September 2023
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for September 2023. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, summer started with a dry spell and appears to be ending with a dry …
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A Great Midnight Snack
Thank goodness I have 'Midnight Snack' tomatoes growing this summer because without them—and a few other cherry-type tomato varieties—I wouldn't have many homegrown tomatoes to eat. The main reason …