Happy Halloween!
Happy Killing Frost!
Happy Beginning of the Garden Resting Season!
The frost is heavy out there; take my word for it without pictures because it is also cold out there.
And what is this “Garden Resting Season” you speak of, Carol?
Well, thanks for asking.
It’s a mythical time of year when we gardeners think that there’s nothing to do in the garden so we can rest.
Let me give you a list of five things I still need to do.
- Put away all the garden furniture and cutesy things out there that winter would ruin if I didn’t.
- Pull out those annual flowers that look terrible after a heavy frost and cover the big containers they were in, which are too heavy to move, so they don’t get ruined by winter freezes and thaws.
- Clear out the vegetable garden, finally. Nothing says “lazy” like a vegetable garden not cleaned off for the winter.
- Mow and rake, rake and mow. It’s okay to leave leaves to rot on flower beds, but if a heavy layer of leaves is left on a lawn? No. Mulch them in place.
- Plant bulbs. Not too many. Just some tulips around the mailbox because I treat these tulips like annuals.
Now, everyone, pay attention and do not forget that in spite of the miserable weather expected tonight, at least in this part of the world, the Halloween Hare is going to be out looking for leftover Easter candy, really any candy. Do not disappoint him! Leave some candy out in the garden, whether you believe or don’t believe, or have read or not read the book of the same title.

If interested, you can read about the origins of the Halloween Hare on this old blog post. Or get yourself ready for next Halloween by buying the book. Oops, I forgot to slip in there, “award-winning” book. First place from Woman’s Press Club of Indiana, followed by an Honorable Mention by the National Federation of Press Women earlier this summer.
Happy Halloween!

I do like garden resting season, but only after I complete all the exact tasks you listed!