What do you see in this lawn? Does the dandelion in the center of the picture bother you? Did you notice that the tips of the blades of grass are a little ragged, indicating that someone needs to …
Welcome Back, Lawn
Lawn on October 7 Drought? We had a drought? We had a record setting drought? This summer? You're kidding, right? It sure doesn't look like there was a drought in my garden. The lawn is green, …
Persimmon Seed Predictions for Winter
Persimmon Seeds from Soules Garden Much has happened since I discovered earlier this week that people use persimmon seeds to predict the type of winter they will be having. First, I figured out, …
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Persimmon Prognostications
Until today, I had no idea that the inside of a persimmon seed could tell us what kind of winter we are going to have. Knowing it now, I am on a quest to find some locally grown persimmons so I can …
More precious than gold or rubies
These were delicious! More precious to me than gold or rubies, at least for the moment, are the first raspberries from my garden. I planted these raspberry brambles in the spring of 2011 and didn't …
Aster Personality Quiz
The asters are in full bloom today, September 29th, the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel, which is observed by some Christian traditions. In my garden, it is observed by remembering to call the …