A peek into the mind of a gardener on the first warm hot day of spring. Gosh it's hot suddenly I didn't notice that the magnolia was budded out like that is that early or is that on time since when …
Garden fairies discuss nouns and verbs
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and once again, we have arrived just in time to save this blog from sure and certain oblivion. If it were not for us garden fairies, Carol would have …
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It’s good not to be housed-up
It's good to no longer be a "housed-up" woman. Just ask Eben E. Rexford. "The general impression seems to be that gardening is essentially man's work, and that women and children are not equal …
15 random thoughts on gardening
My soul and mind shall always be in the garden, no matter what else is going on. You can take the gardener out of the garden, but you can't take the garden out of the gardener. Gardeners are like …
Plan now for Easter 2014 blooms
I watched. I waited. I held my breath. I hoped. I prayed. I planned for crocuses to be blooming in the lawn on Easter. I planned for sunshine and warm-enough-to-be-outside …
Green Bean Announcement
I am thrilled to announce that I've been asked to test out a new variety of green beans with the code name 'Leporidae'. The thrilling part for me is that these green beans have been bred to be …