Magnolia stellata It occurred to me this week. When the star magnolia (Magnolia stellata) blooms, it is generally time to mow the lawn. Now that I know this, I won't have to actually look at …
Little bits of sky
Chionodoxa sp. Little bits of sky fell down to my garden and turned into flowers. I love the blue of these small spring blooms which carry the common name of glory-of-the-snow and the genus name of …
Dear Friend and Gardener: Early Spring Update
Dear Dee and Mary Ann, Greetings from my garden! I've just come inside after spending a couple of hours this evening in the garden. Rather than being tired from it all, like I thought I would …
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Where there’s a hole…
I was not happy on my first walk around the garden earlier this spring. I found a hole in the back lawn. I think I looked a bit "put off" when I examined this hole, sort of like this pansy which …
Garden fairy selfies explained
Garden fairy selfie Now, now, the garden fairies in my garden are surely not the only garden fairies taking selfies these days, are they? If yours arent, maybe they'd like to? You can …
Garden Fairies Take a Big Step Forward
Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies and we are as excited as the first crocus of spring to announce we have done something that no garden fairy has ever done. We have written a foreword for a …
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