Lean in, new gardeners, I'm going to tell you a secret about gardens. Gardens, in general, are very forgiving of mistakes. And they don't demand precision in timing or perfection in plant choices, …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – March 2015
Iris reticulata 'Katharine Hodgkin' Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for March 2015. Wow. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in Central Indiana, the last few days have …
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And the lawn began to bloom
For the joy of that first moment when I stepped out the back door and saw all the crocuses blooming in the lawn, it was worth it. It was worth spending hours planting all those crocus bulbs last …
Crocuses! Step right this way, ladies and gentleman, to admire the first crocus blooms of the season. Be careful of the piles of snow still lining the driveway. Don't all crowd around at …
Searching for spring blooms does not help your posture
The snowdrop bloomed when I wasn't looking. If one could bring forth blooms in the garden by simply staring at the poor little plants until the flowers burst forth, I would be living in a floral …
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It’s the soil temperature that matters
I stood in the doorway and zoomed in to take this picture It's the soil temperature that matters when one is deciding if it is time to sow seeds in the garden for cool season crops including peas, …
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