Lilies in Plopper's Field A garden is a story told by plants. When the time is right, the plants tell the stories, stories of the past and the present, stories of conquests and defeats, stories of …
Before you forget… I just ordered bulbs
Consider this a public service announcement, which I am only making because I've ordered my spring flowering, but you plant them in fall, bulbs. Therefore, there is no risk that the bulbs I want …
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Garlic! And the garden is looking good.
Part of my garlic harvest We are now safe from vampires here at May Dreams Gardens, with plenty of garlic to keep them far, far away from here. And what a fine day it was for digging the garlic and …
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All my thoughts are in the garden
Where are my thoughts these days? I never have to wonder too much about where my thoughts are because most of the time, I can find them in the garden. I've been thinking lately about attracting more …
The creatures make the garden
Bee on swamp milkweed If all the birds and the bees and the spiders and the insects and the chipmunks and the squirrels and all the other creatures disappeared from your garden, what would be …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – June 2016
Clematis x triternata 'Rubromarginata' Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for June 2016. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, the garden is beginning to …
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