Hello Dr. Hortfreud.
Hello, Carol. How are you and did you want to talk about the iris that is re-blooming that never re-bloomed before?
No, Dr. Hortfreud, I want to talk about mowing.
Yes, again, though I don’t think we’ve talked about it that much.
It’s your time, so proceed. What about mowing?
Well, Dr. Hortfreud, I think up my best ideas when I’m mowing and I’m concerned that once this season is over, I won’t have any more ideas until next spring. I was thinking about recording the sound of mowing and playing it back this winter to help me generate ideas.
Carol, do you really think the sound of the mower helps your thinking? Maybe you should strap your smartphone to your forehead and record a video while you are mowing and replay that this winter when you don’t think you have any ideas. Maybe buy one of those funny candles that is supposed to be the scent of “new mown grass”.
Dr. Hortfreud, I think you are making fun of me!
Well, Carol, think about it. Perhaps it isn’t the mowing, per se, but the walking? I’m reminded of the phrase “Solvitur ambulando” — It is solved by walking.
Oh, I could walk on my treadmill!
You have a treadmill, Carol? I’ve never seen you walk on it. Is it hidden?
Very funny, Dr. Hortfreud. I guess I’ve just never invited you for a walk on the treadmill.
Maybe that’s the problem, Carol. Invite me along next time and I bet together we can come up with some good ideas, without the sound, sight, or smell of mowing.
Deal, Dr. Hortfreud. You’re invited for my next walk. Maybe we can talk about the iris that re-bloomed that never re-bloomed before?
That was my thought, too. Carol. Well, this has been a good session and I think we’ve accomplished quite a bit. My secretary, Jane Hortaway, will send you a bill and schedule our next session.
Thank you, Dr. Hortfreud, I hope we can have sessions all winter long.
Dr Hortfreud is so wise!
You need to mount a go pro on your mower and mow up a storm. ha…
I like Dr Hortfreud's clinical techniques.
Wow! An iris rebloomed that never rebloomed before? Tell me all about it!
Love it!
Love your worry about running out of ideas. I have the same problem. Today I
cut all the Dahlia flowers off because it'll be freezing here today or tomorrow.
Then I said to myself…so that's that for the dahlias….what am I going to do now?
Thanks for a good laugh!
I can just see you with your smartphone taped to your forehead while mowing. Or perhaps a GoPro would work better? He is right though, it's the walking that gives you ideas. You can even walk outside for much of the winter really, and when the weather just won't cooperate, go walk around the edges of Target or Walmart. There you will find more ideas, and you don't even have to wait till spring.