Windflowers bloom as irises fade "Hurry or you'll miss it!" How does that sound for a rallying call for spring? New flowers are coming up just as other blooms are fading and I'm running around …
A New Book: A One Act Play
A New Book A One Act Play By Carol M. Gardenangelist Cast of Characters Garden Fairies………………………………Assorted Garden Fairies Granny Gus McGarden..................................The garden fairy …
Signed Copies of Potted and Pruned Now Available
"Potted and Pruned" Though the many characters around here are clamoring to post about my new book, Potted and Pruned: Living a Gardening Life, I decided to wrestle the keyboard away from all of them …
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Garden Fairies Write a Press Release
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are busy because spring is coming early but when we got word of Carol's book that blew in during the big winds from a few days ago, we decided to …
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Potted and Pruned
"Potted and Pruned" It's here! Potted and Pruned: Living a Gardening Life is now available for purchase on Amazon. There's a paperback version and for those who prefer, a hardback …
Garden Fairies Cancel Celebration of End of Winter
No one knew who put up the sign, but when the garden fairies woke up shivering, they saw it, set at an angle so the snow stuck to it. Honoria Hellebore wiped the snow off and read it to everyone …
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