With my magical gardening powers, I've made a flower bloom in December, in my garden, where we've had snow and cold and some occasional sun. Dear Reader, you too can have these magical gardening …
One more trip before Christmas
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are posting on behalf of the underbunnies who are responsible for packing and shipping all the copies of The Christmas Cottontail that Carol sells …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – December 2018
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for December 2018. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we've had some winter already, including a few light snowfalls. The garden is …
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Watch Out for the Under Bunnies!
If you look outside and happen to glimpse a rabbit running around, or maybe you see some rabbit tracks in the snow, you can bet that one of the Christmas Cottontail's under bunnies has been snooping …
I Have Leaf Guilt
I had a tiny bit of leaf guilt today. The sun is shining, the wind is calm and it is above freezing. I should have gone outside and raked up some of the leaves still littering the lawn. But I didn't. …
They’re Here and Ready to Be Under Your Christmas Tree
Holiday Greetings! I finally have signed copies of my new children's Christmas book, The Christmas Cottontail, available in my online store for $9.99 plus $3.00 shipping & handling. If you …
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