His bags were packed and he was ready to go.The old rabbit—Twenty—stood by the garden gate, waiting for TwentyOne. As he stood there waiting, he reflected back on the year. “This was one …
Garden Fairies Find the New Location
Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies and we cannot be left behind. We would like everyone to know that we followed the breadcrumb trail from Blogger to Wordpress, and here we are! Did Carol …
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Over here. I’m over here now!
I'm over here now. Here is my author website on Wordpress. With a tiny bit (a lot) of help, we moved all those 2,891 posts from Blogger over here to Wordpress. I posted on Blogger one last …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – December 2020
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for December 2020. Here in my USDA Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, I went out to the garden expecting to find flower buds on the hellebores, and I was not …
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EIP… Just as Important as NPK?
One of the first lessons gardeners learn about plants is they need NPK—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—to grow into healthy, strong plants. But just as important might be the EIP that gardeners …
A Different Kind of Holiday Greenery
All throughout the land, on this first Sunday of Advent, on this eve of the first predicted snowfall of the season, gardeners everywhere are scurrying around putting the last of the garden to be …
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