I took the lawn mower to the hardware store this evening after work so they could service it and have it back to me in time for the 1st spring mowing. It's probably still 6 - 8 weeks before I need to …
Hyacinth blooms are done
I cleaned out all of the hyacinth vases today. Most of the hyacinths bloomed, and I enjoyed having the color and scent in the house, even for a short time. I also tried to force crocuses, but I don't …
Gardening Symposium!
I took the day off of work and went to a gardening symposium sponsored by Horticulture magazine and the Indianapolis Museum of Art. There were four speakers: Nancy Dillon, Carol Reese, Vincent …
Day After Tomorrow
"The day after tomorrow"... always a good time to start a new project or take care of something big. It's almost better than "tomorrow" because it implies you might do a bit of planning before you …
Thinking about gardening
The weather is still a bit odd. We essentially had just on and off dustings of snow over the weekend. But 10 miles further south, they got 5 inches and there was a big white out on the interstate that …
Garden rest and planning
Early February... hard to believe that we are still (or just) two months or more away from the first mowing of the season. Two months more to plan, to get the lawn mower serviced, to figure out how …