I am planning to get two new trees for my yard this spring. I don't know where I'll get them from or where I will put them once I get them, but I must have them.One of the trees is a Red Buckeye …
Raised beds or plowed fields
There are a couple of ways to plant a vegetable garden, the two most common being a traditional tilled plot and raised beds. I grew up with a traditional tilled plot of land vegetable garden, but …
Overcoming NDD
In my other blog, http://ruthcampbellsmith.blogspot.com/, which is about my grandmother's diaries from 1925 - 1927, Grandma noted that her boys played outside a lot and she could hardly get them …
Pansies and Violas, Part III
I'm sure everyone is just sick with worry about all those pansies and violas that I planted a few weeks ago. Let me assure all that they came through the snow storm in good shape and are doing well, …
Weather Records
With all this snow, I got curious about weather records for Indianapolis and found out the following regarding snowfall: Average Date of First Measurable Snowfall: November 19 - that seems to make …
Spring S-no-w!
Yes, spring snow! And there isn't really anything you can do to protect early spring flowers from it. Cover them? The snow, if we get as much as predicted, will provide some cover and act as an …