Somehow, in a conversation with a co-worker, he confessed that he no longer "did mulch". I wasn't quite sure what he meant. Was he letting the ground go bare? No! He had "mulched" with rocks, …
Something New Every Day
What I like about spring is there is something new in the garden every day. As early spring flowers like crocuses and daffodils fade, the tulips start to bloom. When the forsythia drops all its …
Mushroom Hunting
I got a note from my Aunt Susie that they had tried some early mushroom hunting, but didn't have much luck. They plan to try again this weekend, and hope to find enough for a meal. I wrote the …
Orange Flowers & the Internet
A colleague at work said his wife was working on a garden with all orange flowers. To figure out what to plant, he looked at a book of perennials and tried to find the orange flowering plants that …
Passalong Plants – The Night Blooming Cereus
I thought I would comment on some of the "passalong plants" that I have. These are plants given to me by others. Generally, I got plants that were prolific in the giver's garden, and so they are …
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Spring has sprung
Suddenly, everything is green. It truly is spring! Check out My Garden Pictures for some pictures I took this evening of more plants blooming in my yard.I was at Walmart earlier and they are pushing …