I get a lot of questions about lilacs as soon as they start to bloom in the spring. There must be something about the flowers and the scent of the flowers that people really like. Around here, I …
Dogwood Winter and the Almanac
My aunt sent me a note the other day and said they were having Dogwood Winter. I had not heard of this, but apparently it occurs some years when there is cold weather after it has warmed up, when the …
Progress on the Pestilence Plants
I made some good progress this evening on a couple of the plants that are on my list of aggressive, mis-behaving, gotta-get-them-out-of-the-garden plants. Using my Japanese hand digging hoe, I …
Sweet Peas and a New Passalong Plant
I am adding to my list of plants that easily get out of hand the perennial sweet pea, Lathyrus latifolius. I am trying to contain this plant, or shall I say plants, to just one spot in my perennial …
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Fairy Lilies and Money Wort
I worked in the garden this afternoon and evening. One of the tasks I completed was to plant several pots of Fairy Lilies. This is a not-too-good picture of some I had a few years ago. From this small …
An Opinion on Mulch
Somehow, in a conversation with a co-worker, he confessed that he no longer "did mulch". I wasn't quite sure what he meant. Was he letting the ground go bare? No! He had "mulched" with rocks, …