I am eating well from the garden these days. This picture is what I had time to pick on Sunday. Please notice the three eggplants. Eggplant is my favorite vegetable, and once a year I have fried …
Mower Up
I went to a minor league baseball game this evening. For me, there are just two reasons to go to a baseball game, maybe three. The first is you get to see some of the best lawn in town. They really …
On English Gardens and Bloggers
Have you noticed that the British garden bloggers seem to speak a different English language than the American garden bloggers?Many of the gardeners in England (it is okay to say England vs. Great …
Bagworms & Shrubby St. John’s Wort
With an online garden blog, I can easily portray an image of my garden that is like paradise. Pretty flowers, green grass, interesting insects, serene sunsets, soft rains, and more vegetables than can …
Green – My Favorite Color
No, I've not run out of pictures of flowers and other more interesting plants in the garden. I just wanted to show everyone how green the grass is in MID AUGUST in the midwest, at least where I live. …
Blue Fruit and Blog Stuff
This is some blue fruit (berries) on one of my viburnums, Viburnum dentatum "Chicago Lustre". I don't think people plant enough viburnums and other large shrubs in the landscape. At least I don't see …