I had some new fun in the garden yesterday. New, liberating fun. Scary kind of fun.I used my new chipper shredder for the first time. Yes, that’s right, I have a new chipper shredder, the McCullough …
Seasonal Roller Coaster – Straight Down Hill
A single, confused daisy blooming a few days ago, does it "know" what's coming...I just heard another "F" word come out of the mouth of the TV weatherperson. She just said "Freeze". Then she really …
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Seasonal Roller Coaster
I got an email today with a weather update from a local television station. It included the “F” word. Yes, frost. (What did you think I meant?)Anyway, I should not be surprised if we got some frost, …
One More Question
Fall color and berries on a Korean Spice Viburnum (Viburnum carlesii)I made my nearly daily trek to Starbucks at lunch today for a green iced tea and noticed a book for sale there, For One More Day by …
Aster Mystery Cleared Up
I could not figure out how my aunt got starts of these asters from my Dad, when I could not remember my Dad ever having these in our yard when I was growing up. I was bothered that I could not …
Itsy Bitsy Big Ugly Spiders
I went to my sister’s house yesterday for a birthday party. The skies were blue, the grass was green and it was in the mid 70’s. In other words, it was a perfect day, and definitely a day to be …