“While I was only a remote and distracted onlooker of the accomplished work of gardens, I considered gardeners to be beings of a peculiarly poetic and gentle mind, who cultivate perfumes of flowers …
Can You Be A Gardener and Not Sow Seeds?
It started as a few questions on seeds and seed sowing, a few thoughts put out as a blog post as I prepared to end the holiday celebrations and return to work. It evolved into several longer than …
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Green Thumb Sunday – Hyacinths After 8 Days
Hyacinth bulbs being forced into bloom indoors after 8 days. I now have shoots and roots! Click here to see how they looked last week.Green Thumb SundayJoin …
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Disappearing Plants
Every gardener has them, or should I say, doesn’t have them any more. Those plants purchased with great excitement and eager anticipation, the “must have” plants that once enticed and entranced the …
Public Service Announcement
Unfortunately, I must briefly interrupt my happy musings and questions about gardening to provide a brief public service announcement...I use Google Alerts to keep up with new websites, news sites, …
Can I Write a Post Without a Question?
We are entering that time of winter when the major winter holidays, for which we actually want snow and cold and icicles and all, are past, and now we just have winter going on. And though this year …
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