The first daisy of the season bloomed today. Just one bloom, but soon there will be many more. I've lost track of what kind of daisy it is but it self sows in "a nice way" and I think it is one I …
In My Defense…
What kind of plant shopper are you?Do you make a list of exactly what you want, including quantities and specific varieties, before you go to the garden center?Do you have a "sort of" idea of what you …
Sometimes in the spring there is as much "unplanting" as planting going on. The weeds are just as excited about spring as any other plant and have taken off. They want to get firmly established and if …
Happy May Day
Happy May Day.Good things happen in the garden and life in May.The strawberries are blooming! I should have some late May or early June berries to eat from my strawberry patch, which I planted last …
Goodbye, April! Hello, May! Time for Lettuce
Lettuce! From the garden! And yes, quite delicious, it is. I had some on my sandwich at lunch today, and that made my 'brown bag' lunch seem like the finest gourmet cuisine. And to think that I …
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Lily of the Valley
Do certain plants still trigger strong childhood memories when you garden with them every day?Pam/Digging asked this question in response to a comment I left on a post she wrote about her childhood …