Always the whispers... "she has a nice garden, but did you know she can't grow peas". I always had good excuses.Some years, I planted too late, and the vines shriveled in the heat.Some years, the …
Dawn Of Summer
Tis June, the dawn of summer, and time to change our mindsets about the garden. We hopefully move from planning what to do in the garden and long task lists of spring chores to enjoying the garden and …
Garden Bloggers’ Book Club April-May Meeting Post
Welcome to the “virtual meeting” of the Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for April-May. Our selected book for these two months is Passalong Plants by Steve Bender and Felder Rushing.Now go get yourself a …
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What I Have… Is Yellow
A garden should be more about what you have and what you've done than about what you don't have or haven't done. Gardeners, me included, spend too much time thinking about all that needs to be done …
Excuses present themselves all the time, excuses for why you can't do one thing or another in the garden. It's too hot, it's too dry, it's too wet, it's too cold. It's too early, it's too late.Or my …
Time to Relax
The garden is moving into its summer phase, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.Just a few weeks ago, I found these robin's eggs in a nest out front, and I could not get anywhere near …