Beans! It’s all about the beans right now.One of the last stops I made before leaving Chicago today after enjoying the Chicago Spring Fling was to go and see “the bean’. This sculpture in Millennium …
Step Back and See the Gardens
How do you know when you've seen enough gardens for one day?When you are standing in a beautiful Chicago garden, a Zone 5a garden which is very close to your own Zone 5b garden, and you ask no one in …
For Whom The Flower Blooms
Ask not for whom the flower blooms, the flower blooms for thee, the gardener.Oh, how we wish that were true! Then we could command flowers to bloom whenever it pleased us for them to bloom. But we …
Protect Your Beans
Every gardener discovers upon planting a vegetable garden that they are unwittingly forced into battle for sovereignty over that very garden, for control, for first rights to the harvest. They must …
False Pelargoniums
At some point in a gardener’s education, whether through book-learnin’ or in the school-of-hard-clay-soil-and-dead-plants, a gardener will learn or be told that what they call “geraniums” are not the …
Letters to Gardening Friends, May 24, 2009
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and gardening friends everywhere,I can’t believe it, or maybe I can. We’ve gone from a light frost early last Monday morning to steady temperatures in the 80’s and my first …
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