I had to laugh when I received a sample of a new ornamental purslane earlier this spring from PanAmerican Seed. This is Portulaca oleracea 'Toucan Fuchsia', not to be confused with …
My hubris, my over-confidence, is on full display in the garden, taking the form—this time—of a large trumpet lily knocked over by the wind and rain. Deep down, of course I knew the lilies were at …
Those 11 Cents Packets of Seeds
Are those cheap packets of seeds you sometimes see for sale in the spring worth it? I spent 22 cents for two packets of stock (Matthiola incana) seeds, variety 'Ten Week', and sowed them later than …
Clary Sage
On a whim, I recently purchased a "good used copy" of The Ivington Diaries by Monty Don (2009). It fits in nicely with my collection of other gardening and nature books based on observations across a …
Lost Ladies of Garden Writing – Dorothy Childs Hogner
I was researching an herb topic and decided to search through books on my bookshelf because the internet was not giving me what I was looking for. I discovered two things. First, I don't have …
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The Wonder Years of Gardening
I'm enjoying what I like to call The Wonder Years of Gardening in which I wander around and ask myself questions like: I wonder what variety this rose is? (I honestly don't know which leads to the …