All year I dream of the days of May when the sun is warm, the sky is blue, the grass is green, and the garden is all new again! Welcome to the month of May at May Dreams Gardens. Welcome to a …
On Visiting Gardens
I just figured out something about visiting gardens while reading more of the letters in Becoming Elizabeth Lawrence: Discovered Letters of a Southern Gardener edited by Emily Herring …
When A Flower Blooms That You Just Don’t Like: Happy Ending
The logistics are a bit complicated, but they involved two twin mattresses, my truck, some passalong hostas, finding a window of opportunity (WOO) to haul the mattresses from my sister-in-law to my …
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When A Flower Blooms That You Just Don’t Like
Out in the garden, the quamash is starting to bloom. This particular one is Camassia leichtlinii coerulea 'Blue Sky'. I planted bulbs for it last fall after seeing quamash in bloom the previous …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners: April 26, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, I’ll start off by announcing that the “salad days” have begun here at May Dreams Gardens, beginning with the first salad pictured here. It …
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I Practice Multiple Types of Weeding, Sometimes All At The Same Time
Is weeding in flower beds that are hopefully going to be dug up and expanded soon sort of like dusting the furniture in a house right before you plan to tear down walls for remodeling? No? Good, …
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